Learning ON-THE-LINE

Learning ON-THE-LINE

E-learning or commonly define as learning in the form of the online process where it covers almost all the teaching and learning system via digital media. Through information as well as the experiences I had regarding e-learning, these are some benefits that I could share with people regarding the advantages of learning through e-learning.

1. Easily obtained Assessments and notes through online
The struggles to bring back and forth the heavy loaded books can be minimized with the help of the compiled homework, notes and then send it into school database system such as the student information system. Based on the experiences as a student, where students commonly have more than 3 homework or assignments where it does not including their home chores. Hence, the learners would find this helpful where they just simply download the assessments and the notes from the systems rather than copying it in the books.

2. Reduce time and cash consuming
The students will be able to manage their time, studies and also their money where they can study through online and meanwhile were introduced to larger audiences rather than meeting face-to-face. Even though there is some learning community that had been dismissed, yet if it was done right, then the learners will gain the benefits.

3. Act as a Simulator
Through e-learning, a company could provide a real work or 3D virtual environment especially for those learners who never have working experiences before by undergo experiments regarding life as a worker. For example, the healthcare department can teach others using video, graphics, and slideshow and so on to introduce people to a more direct and personalize experience in health care or surgical. Furthermore, it could be free, effortless and safe for citizens.

4. Become a great social learning collaborator
Social media have been a massive discussion in the modernization era where there have been two opinions, which is either negative or positive influence on society such as through Facebook, Twitter, wikis, Pinterest and more. However, the differences can be made through each individual approaches with e-learning where employees and specialist can easily share and discuss their experiences together.

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